diff --git a/assets/final_email_template.txt b/assets/final_email_template.txt
index fe40165f8cfdb69d0f1fe03d459c106171176194..4d0b8b66eb417522da383c29dcf91151056daf38 100644
--- a/assets/final_email_template.txt
+++ b/assets/final_email_template.txt
@@ -11,10 +11,13 @@ Project : $project
 Run : $run
 <% if (xpNGLSq){ out << "NGL-SQ Experiment : $xpNGLSq " } %>
 <% if (runNGLBi){out << "NGL-Bi RunCode : $runNGLBi" } %>
+<% if (analysisNGLBi){out << "NGL-Bi AnalysisCode : $analysisNGLBi" } %>
 <% if (success){
   out << """## GeT-nextflow-NGL-Bi/wf-Illumina-nf execution completed successfully! ## \n"""
-  if (runNGLBi){
+  if (analysisNGLBi){
+    out << """\tCheck your analyzes on NGL-Bi : https://ngl-bi.genomique.genotoul.fr/analyses/${analysisNGLBi} """
+  } else if (runNGLBi){
     out << """\tCheck your analyzes on NGL-Bi : https://ngl-bi.genomique.genotoul.fr/runs/${runNGLBi} """
   } else {
     out << """\tYour analyzes are NOT on NGL-Bi : ask to a bioinfo team member for details."""
diff --git a/assets/get_plage_logo.jpg b/assets/get_plage_logo.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba357d5e88209733a2727b5bd198fa7d47470ecb
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/get_plage_logo.jpg differ
diff --git a/assets/multiqc_config.yaml b/assets/multiqc_config.yaml
index 75a0989baa999e00600a60420d1c27afc1c065bf..d311a8713542ab769206d7d66b466ab8757aba78 100644
--- a/assets/multiqc_config.yaml
+++ b/assets/multiqc_config.yaml
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ sp:
     fn: '*_screen.txt'
-custom_logo: "./get_logo.png"
 custom_logo_url: "https://get.genotoul.fr/"
 custom_logo_title: "GeT-GenoToul"
diff --git a/bin/demuxStatsElement.R b/bin/demuxStatsElement.R
index 2cf47cb82f6c43bcfb3afee08afba2d945757d93..4333cad720452ed0e4d93f950b154a2c657ee44e 100755
--- a/bin/demuxStatsElement.R
+++ b/bin/demuxStatsElement.R
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(assigned_filtered)) {
     sample <- assigned_filtered[i, 2]
     bc1 <- assigned_filtered[i, 3]
     bc2 <- assigned_filtered[i, 4]
+    barcode <- ifelse(is.na(bc2), bc1, paste(bc1, bc2, sep = "-"))
     bcCount <- assigned_filtered[i, 5]*2
     project <- run_manifest$Samples %>%
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(assigned_filtered)) {
     new_row <- data.frame(
         Project = project,
         Sample = sample,
-        Barcode = paste(bc1, bc2, sep = "-"),
+        Barcode = barcode,
         bcCount = bcCount,
         percOfFrag = NA,
         stringsAsFactors = FALSE
@@ -113,26 +114,31 @@ bcCount.threshold<-threshold*min(demultiplex_stat$bcCount)
 # Parcourir les lignes du fichier unassigned
 cat("\nExtraction des séquences non assignés\n")
-for (i in 1:nrow(unassigned_filtered)) {
-    sample <- "Undetermined"
-    bc1 <- unassigned_filtered[i, 1]
-    bc2 <- unassigned_filtered[i, 2]
-    bcCount <- unassigned_filtered[i, 4]*2
-    project <- "DefaultProject"
-    new_row <- data.frame(
-        Project = project,
-        Sample = sample,
-        Barcode = paste(bc1, bc2, sep = "-"),
-        bcCount = bcCount,
-        percOfFrag = NA,
-        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
-    )
-    cat("\tAjout de l'échantillon : ", project, "->" , sample, "\n")
-    demultiplex_stat <- rbind(demultiplex_stat, new_row)
+if(nrow(unassigned_filtered) == 0){
+    cat("\tAucun index non assigné n'a été trouvé pour la lane ", lane, "\n")
+} else {
+    for (i in 1:nrow(unassigned_filtered)) {
+        sample <- "Undetermined"
+        bc1 <- unassigned_filtered[i, 1]
+        bc2 <- unassigned_filtered[i, 2]
+        barcode <- ifelse(is.na(bc2), bc1, paste(bc1, bc2, sep = "-"))
+        bcCount <- unassigned_filtered[i, 4]*2
+        project <- "DefaultProject"
+        new_row <- data.frame(
+            Project = project,
+            Sample = sample,
+            Barcode = barcode,
+            bcCount = bcCount,
+            percOfFrag = NA,
+            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+        )
+        cat("\tAjout de l'échantillon : ", project, "->" , sample, "\n")
+        demultiplex_stat <- rbind(demultiplex_stat, new_row)
+    }
diff --git a/conf/base.config b/conf/base.config
index 0ce330ce58802443822a286121c938a9950f7678..4bc6650c6d84d233edb5dfd88c1910e5a009282f 100644
--- a/conf/base.config
+++ b/conf/base.config
@@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ process {
 	withName: MULTIQC {		
         ext.args = [
-            "--config ${baseDir}/assets/multiqc_config.yaml",
-            params.project ? "--title '${params.project} - ${params.run_name}'" : ''
+            params.project ? "--title '${params.project} - ${params.run_name}'" : '',
+			"--filename '${params.project}_${params.run_name}_${params.fc_id}_${params.lane}_multiqc.html'"
         ].join(' ')
 		beforeScript = "module purge"
diff --git a/conf/report.config b/conf/report.config
index 5a1322eade527ef37e10f0605f582577dd5323c6..42aef5472c129399343fd14a1a0d1f90bc62be06 100644
--- a/conf/report.config
+++ b/conf/report.config
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ manifest {
 	description = "Workflow for Illumina data quality control"
 	mainScript = 'main.nf'
 	nextflowVersion = '>=0.32.0'
-	version = '1.25.0'
+	version = '1.26.5'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/pipeline.groovy b/lib/pipeline.groovy
index e785788b6bd2c848d8889fb7ecff8bd28998ca2c..4cc505efafaf00e69d28035acbd3791a6edfe6e9 100644
--- a/lib/pipeline.groovy
+++ b/lib/pipeline.groovy
@@ -120,6 +120,31 @@ begin_email_fields = get_workflow_info(
 // ----------------------------------
 //        Functions Definition    
 // ----------------------------------
+def getPipelineInfo() {
+    def map = [:]
+    map['Analysis Name'] = params.run_name
+    File analysis_file = new File(params.outdir + '/ngl/NGL-BiAnalysis.created')
+    if (analysis_file.exists()) {
+        map['Analysis Code'] = analysis_file.getString()
+    } else {
+        map['Analysis Code'] = '###ANALYSIS_CODE###'
+    }
+    map['Library Type'] = params.data_nature ?: ''
+    map['Sequencing Type'] = params.is_multiplex ? 'Multiplex' : 'Simplex'
+    def ref = params.reference_genome ?: params.reference_transcriptome?: ''
+    File ref_source = new File(ref + '_source')
+    if (ref_source.exists()) {
+        map['Reference'] = ref_source.getText()
+    }
+    def seq = params.sequencer ?: ''
+    def sn = params.machine_id ?: ''
+    def platform = "$seq $sn"
+    map['Sequencing Platform'] = platform ?: ''
+    map['Contact E-mail'] = 'get-plage.contact@genotoul.fr'
+    return map
 def create_email_map() {
     def hash = [:]
@@ -150,13 +175,33 @@ def create_email_map() {
 def create_final_email_fields(formatted_date, summary) {
+    // Get AnalysisCode
+    def analysis_code = ''
+    File analysis_file = new File(params.outdir + '/ngl/NGL-BiAnalysis.created')
+    if (analysis_file.exists()) {
+        analysis_code = analysis_file.text
+    }
+    // Get RunCode
+    def run_code = ''
+    if (params.insert_to_ngl) {
+        if (params.bi_run_code) { run_code = params.bi_run_code }
+        else {
+            File run_file = new File(params.outdir + '/ngl/RunNGL-Bi.created')
+            if (run_file.exists()) {
+                run_code = run_file.text
+            }
+        }
+    }
     return get_workflow_info(
             subject_prefix: "[${params.sequencer}]",
             subject_sufix: params.inputdir.split('/')[-1],
             project: (params.project ?: ''),
             run: (params.run_name ?: ''),
-            runNGLBi: (params.bi_run_code ?: ''),
+            runNGLBi: run_code,
+            analysisNGLBi: analysis_code,
             xpNGLSq: (params.sq_xp_code ?: ''),
             dateComplete: formatted_date,
             summary: (summary ?: [:])
diff --git a/workflow/short_reads_qc.nf b/workflow/short_reads_qc.nf
index 41bef8c9db65ddae0f10cc39985ade350f1b15a7..5dd432a5000a7b803d528d1e2df126a1dfd4a697 100644
--- a/workflow/short_reads_qc.nf
+++ b/workflow/short_reads_qc.nf
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
 include { 	getSummary; 
-			endOfPipelineEvents 		} from "${baseDir}/lib/pipeline.groovy"
+			endOfPipelineEvents;
+			getPipelineInfo 			} from "${baseDir}/lib/pipeline.groovy"
 include { 	softwareVersionsToYAML		} from "${params.shared_modules}/lib/utils.groovy"
 // -------------------------------------------------
 // 					CHANNELS
@@ -67,6 +68,9 @@ ch_demux_stat_json = Channel.fromPath("${params.inputdir}/Stats/Stats.json")
 mismatchNumber = params.sequencer == 'MiSeq'? 0 : 1
 //banksForConta = params.addBankForConta ? params.genomesRefForConta << params.addBankForConta : params.genomesRefForConta
+ch_mqc_config = Channel.fromPath("${baseDir}/assets/multiqc_config.yaml")
+ch_mqc_logo = Channel.from("${baseDir}/assets/get_logo.png")
 createDir = file(params.outdir).mkdir()
 params.summary = getSummary()
 params.summary.collect{k,v -> println "$k : $v"}
@@ -85,6 +89,7 @@ include {	TREATMENT_DEMUXSTAT as TREATMENT_DEMUX_RUN;
 						} from "$baseDir/modules/local/module_NGL-Bi.nf"
 include {	MULTIQC		} from "${params.shared_modules}/multiqc.nf"
+include {	MQC_HEADER	} from "${params.shared_modules}/multiqc.nf"
 include {	GCBIAS as GC_BIAS } from "${params.shared_modules}/gcbias.nf"
 include {	workflow_summary as WORKFLOW_SUMMARY } from "${params.shared_modules}/workflow_summary.nf"
@@ -97,24 +102,36 @@ workflow SHORT_READS_QC {
-	if (! params.skip_core_illumina && params.sequencer =~ "NovaSeq|MiSeq" ) {
-		CORE_ILLUMINA(ch_ss, ch_DemuxStatXML, ch_DemuxSummary, ch_read)
-		fastq = CORE_ILLUMINA.out.fastq
-		ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(CORE_ILLUMINA.out.versions)
-		demux_stats = CORE_ILLUMINA.out.demuxStat
-	} else {
-		fastq = ch_read
-		demux_stats = channel.empty()
+	if ( params.sequencer =~ "NovaSeq|MiSeq" ) {
+		if (params.skip_core_illumina) {
+			log.info "Illumina's sequencer but skipping CORE_ILLUMINA"
+			fastq = ch_read
+			demux_stats = channel.empty()
+		} else {
+			CORE_ILLUMINA(ch_ss, ch_DemuxStatXML, ch_DemuxSummary, ch_read)
+			fastq = CORE_ILLUMINA.out.fastq
+			ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(CORE_ILLUMINA.out.versions)
+			demux_stats = CORE_ILLUMINA.out.demuxStat
+		}
-	if (! params.skip_core_element && params.sequencer =~ "AVITI") {
-		CORE_ELEMENT(ch_runManifestJSON, ch_indexAssigned, ch_indexUnassigned)
-		demux_stats = CORE_ELEMENT.out.demuxStat
-	} else {
-		demux_stats = Channel.empty()
+	if ( params.sequencer =~ "AVITI") {
+		if (params.skip_core_element) {
+			log.info "Elembio's sequencer but skipping CORE_ELEMENT"
+			demux_stats = Channel.empty()
+		} else {
+			CORE_ELEMENT(ch_runManifestJSON, ch_indexAssigned, ch_indexUnassigned)
+			demux_stats = CORE_ELEMENT.out.demuxStat
+		}
 	ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(CORE.out.versions)
+	ch_mqc = ch_mqc.mix(
+		CORE.out.fastqc_report.collect{it[1]}.ifEmpty([]),
+		CORE.out.fastqscreen_report.collect{it[1]}.ifEmpty([]),
+		CORE.out.fastp_report.collect{it[1]}.ifEmpty([])
+	)
 	if (params.data_nature =~ 'DNA|GENOMIC|WGS') {
@@ -171,14 +188,14 @@ workflow SHORT_READS_QC {
 			newLine: true
-		.mix(
-			CORE.out.fastqc_report.collect{it[1]}.ifEmpty([]),
-			CORE.out.fastqscreen_report.collect{it[1]}.ifEmpty([]),
-			CORE.out.fastp_report.collect{it[1]}.ifEmpty([]),
-			ch_mqc.collect().ifEmpty([]),
-			version_yaml
-		).collect()
+	MQC_HEADER(getPipelineInfo())
+	ch_mqc_config = ch_mqc_config.mix(MQC_HEADER.out.yaml)
+	ch_mqc = ch_mqc.mix(version_yaml)
+		ch_mqc.collect(),
+		ch_mqc_config.collect(),
+		ch_mqc_logo
 	if (params.insert_to_ngl){